Species knowledge for everyone. The Karlsruhe Taxonomy Initiative
A new project started in autumn 2022: the "Karlsruher Taxonomy Initiative". The aim of the project is to strengthen education in the area of species knowledge and taxonomy of plants, fungi and animals in the region. It is...[more]

Use Case Projekt ARAMOB im Konsortium NFDI4Biodiversity
ein Kooperationsprojekt des Karlsruher Naturkundemuseums und der Arachnologischen Gesellschaft[more]

Inventarisierung der Spinnenfauna des Nationalparks Schwarzwald
inklusive gemeinsames Datenmanagement[more]

Ein Projekt der Forschungsabteilungen und der Vermittlung am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe[more]

Semantic enrichment and mobilization of data in distributed repositories for taxonomy and ecology
Solving a Gordian knot in the taxonomy of neotropical jumping spiders and trait-based ecological habitat assessment with spider assemblages[more]
Ctenidae of French Guiana
French Guiana holds an impressive species richness or biodiversity, of which large parts are still unknown, especially when looking at the invertebrate arthropods. To list the insects of French Guiana is an aim of a current...[more]

EDAPHOBASE - a soil organism data warehouse
In the second project phase the non-commercial database Edaphobase will be integrated in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) network with a node for soil organisms at the Senckenberg Museum in Görlitz. Data on...[more]
Amazon Spiders and Butterflies
An International Museum Fellowship of the German Federal Cultural Foundation allows us to reactivate an earlier cooperation between our museum and the Brazilian National Research Institution for Amazonia (INPA) in Manaus.[more]

Digitizing the zoological collections
The fast development of information technology, database systems and the use of the Internet strongly facilitate the digitization and mobilisation of biological data, e.g. on the voucher specimens of museum collections and...[more]
Large wandering spiders in Amazonian forests
Since 1992 Thierry Gasnier, Hubert Höfer and Antonio Brescovit (and others) study biology and ecology of the large wandering spiders living on the ground of Amazonian forests. Starting point of their interest in factors and...[more]

Barcoding of German spiders
In the GBOL Project (GBOL - German Barcode of Life) a consortium of several collection holding and biodiversity research institutes has started to characterize the species of animals, fungi and plants occurring in Germany...[more]

BiNHum - Biodiversity Network of the Humboldt-Ring
Access and format of existing digital object data, alignment of established database systems and development of a joint data portal.[more]

Evaluation of soil biodiversity in Germany
In this project, funded by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) we compiled and analysed data on the soil status of permanent sites with regard to the implementation and advancement of the national strategy on biological...[more]

EDAPHOBASE - a soil organism data warehouse
In this project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) we developed a non-commercial database on soil organisms (up to now including data on Chilopoda, Collembola, Diplopoda, Enchytraeidae,...[more]

Soil biota and biogeochemistry in southern Atlantic rainforests of Brazil. Assessment of the ecosystem quality of secondary forests and their potential for biodiversity conservation[more]

Nutzungsumstellung auf der Alpe Einödsberg
Die Auswirkungen langjähriger Überweidung sowie der aktuellen extensiven Beweidung auf Boden-Arthropoden in subalpinen Borstgrasrasen in den Allgäuer Alpen wurden von 2003 bis 2008 untersucht. Das Projekt wurde vom Bayerischen...[more]

Schatzkammer Tropen - Vergänglicher Reichtum
Vom 21.10.2004 bis 7.8.2005 wurden in dieser Ausstellung in drei Sälen verschiedenste Aspekte der Tropen auf dem Hintergrund eigener Forschungsarbeiten am Karlsruher Naturkundemuseum gezeigt:[more]